Experience volunteering in Cusco to the fullest

Are you excited for working at a volunteering project in Cusco? There are so many ways you can make this an unforgettable experience. There are numerous benefits to volunteering, whether you are abroad or at home, it is surely a unique experience. Volunteering in Cusco is one of the best places you could possible go. With various projects in the region, we can always find something that fits your wishes.

Volunteering will help you gain valuable experiences and a chance to develop new skills. Study shows that participating in a volunteering project will enhance a students’ problem-solving skills and improve their team work abilities. Apart from that it looks good on your CV.

volunteering in cusco cochahuasi
Volunteering in Animal Care at Cochahuasi

If you want to have a positive contribution to your project, find out how you can be a more responsible volunteer with these 4 tips.

5 Ways to get the most out of your volunteering experience

Make an effort: invest time and energy

The most appreciated thing there is: effort. If you show that you care and invest your time and energy, it will surely be appreciated. It is important to do what is required by your project. You’ll get so much satisfaction from the good work you are doing.

You might sometimes have a hard day; you are missing home, wondering why you even started this adventure. However, on the long run it will make you grow personally and when you look back, you will be happy you invested your time into doing something good for the community.

volunteering in cusco after school
Volunteering in an after school program

Add value to the project

You are there volunteering to add value to the project. You might have some more advanced knowledge or ideas on how to improve. Don’t be afraid to share your input. You are in fact, the added value. Volunteering in Cusco might even make you realise about this added value. And it will make you stronger and grow personally.

Don’t be afraid to ask if you can help with anything besides your daily tasks. There will always be something else to do. You have a different perspective, so if you have an idea to improve or change, don’t be afraid to share your ideas.

volunteer in cusco child care
Volunteering in Child Care in Cusco

Ask questions: be curious

You might be scared for your volunteering experience because well… You might not feel you are qualified enough to do this kind of work. And that’s OK. But as long as your heart is in it, it shows. Excitement and curiousity is really all you need to show.

Be curious about how everything is working until now and get to know the project well. Dedication is time and passion. To do that, it would of course help to speak Spanish while volunteering in Cusco.

volunteering in cusco
Internships in Marketing and Sales at Proyecto Peru

Learn Spanish with the affordable group or individual lessons of Proyecto Peru.

Be honest

One of the most important things: be honest about your capabilities. If you think some tasks is too dificult for you or too much responsibility, talk about that. There is nothing wrong with that. Just make sure to state your capabilities before, instead of showing your inabilities during the project. It is normal, you are here to learn as well during your time as a volunteer. Just don’t overestimate your abilities just to get into the program you want to join so bad.

Volunteering in a developing country is no place to start experimenting with things you are not qualified to do. Be careful that you don’t do more harm than good for the project.

Of course, it is always good to be open to new ideas and commit your time in learning new things.

Volunteer at a local chocolate factory in Cusco

Identify your goals and expectations

Before you start, identify your reasons for volunteering and then choose which program fits those reasons most. Is there any program that alines with your professional carreer objectives? Take that opportunity. It might be a great way to do a little networking.

These tips will allow you to get the most out of your volunteering experience. So consider everything carefully, to enjoy it the most.

Volunteering at a Medical Clinic in Cusco

Proyecto Peru is a Volunteer and Language Centre focused on creating responsible volunteers by giving them the tools to have a great experience in Cusco. Check our website for volunteer and internship opportunities!

2 Replies to “Experience volunteering in Cusco to the fullest”

    1. Olá, è bello sentire che desideri fare volontariato!

      Puoi iscrivertere al nostro packagemaker o inviare un e-mail a info@proyectoperucentre.org. Se invi un’e-mail,

      per favore fatemi sapere che programma di volontariato sei interessato.

      Buona giornata!

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