10 tips to learn Spanish faster

Spanish can be a difficult language to learn, this is because the Don Quijote’s language is made up of lots of variations and exceptions since a phrase can be built in different ways without changing the its meaning. In this article, Proyecto Peru will give you some tips on how to learn Spanish faster.

Native Spanish speakers are able to understand all the language variations and, usually, use them with no effort. Having said this, even though the phonetics are easy to comprehend, some phrases can be extremely difficult to understand for people that didn’t learn the language at a young age.

It is also true that people that speak romance languages, such as French, Italian, or Portuguese, are prone to learn Spanish faster since the grammar can be similar. You also have to consider that every country has their own norms and customs. For example, there are words that Spanish use, but the Peruvians don’t, and vice versa. However, this doesn’t mean that learning Spanish is impossible. It does require and effort and time.

To help you in our journeys, here are some tips:

Be patient

Lots of students hope to learn Spanish fast and then lose interest when they realise it’s not going as fast as they hope. In order to properly learn Spanish, it is necessary to invest quite some time. This is why it is important to go slow and have realistic goals that we can achieve without difficulties. You can reward yourself for each goal met and always remember not to have unrealistic goals.

Study abroad

With the current situation, this is not the best idea; however, with how advanced technology is nowadays, you can access to Spanish schools around the globe. So, take Spanish classes online and make sure your teacher is a native speaker of the language. All our teachers at Proyecto Peru are native speakers and are certified by the renowned Cervantes Institute, so you will have the best experience in your language journey.

Read in Spanish

You can considerably improve your Spanish proficiency by frequently reading news articles and short stories. This is also a great way to improve your vocabulary and learn common phrases. This way you will be able to use this phrases in your daily life and gain confidence when speaking Spanish.

Organise yourself and your work

Nowadays, we have a great variety of available resources to learn Spanish. This makes it easy to have an overload of information, such as notes, books, and internet resources. Because of this, it is important to be able to revise everything you’ve learnt and understand it. After that you can organise all your material the way works best for you. There’s nothing more annoying than to try to look for information over and over again in a pile of notebooks.

Put a label on everything

Both teachers and students agree that labeling is a great method to memorise important words and phrases in Spanish. For example, you can place them on your furniture, using post-it notes, writing that they mean and memorise them while you walk around you house.

Watch subtitled movies

This is one the easiest and most enjoyable activities to learn Spanish. Try to spend some time watching TV and movies in Spanish or in your language, but with the Spanish subtitles turned on. This is very useful when we want to improve our speaking and listening in Spanish. We recommend you want films you’ve already watched, this way you will have a deeper understanding of the film and you will be able to concentrate more on the language.

Use memory cards

A memory card is a small card of piece of paper that you can carry during the day and you can quickly have a look. If you hear a work very often during your day, write it down. You can also have cards for words you have a difficult time learning.

Learn with a friend

Learning Spanish can turn out be very frustrating when you don’t see fast results. The best way to not lose motivation is to find friends that can help you. Learning Spanish with a friend makes this easier as you can practice with them out of study hours.

Distribute your time

It’s impossible to learn everything in one sitting, but it’s usual to study one week or the night before an exam. The best you can do is to distribute your time and it’s better if arrange short study sessions with homework instead of study loads of information before the big day. Having short study sessions will help you notice common mistakes and correct them for your next class.

Join a Hispanic community

A lot of people of people, just like you, want to learn Spanish. You can join online communities that want to practice with other Spanish students. And you are living in a Spanish-speaking country, you can even meet your online friends and practice with them in person.

As you can see, learning Spanish can be sound impossible or very difficult. Your learning progress will depend on how much work you put on it and the resources you have at hand. Depending on how you see things, this can also be fun and gratifying.

If you really want to learn Spanish, you have to put your heart and soul to do it. Only one hour every now and then is not enough, you need to come up with a strategy and stick to it.

At Proyecto Peru, our teachers are more than qualified to help you in your language journey. You can book as many hours as you want and we will be there to help you. For more information on our online packages, please check our website.

Article taken and translated from Salminter.