During or after a medical study, most students follow-up with an internship. Internships are globally highly encouraged and are becoming more and more populair to get experience and gain knowledge and confidence. Especially in the medical field, internships are crucial to get comfortable in your workfield in a challenging, but also save environment.
This time is a special experience to develop yourself both personally and professionally. And if you are one of those persons, who are always looking for some extra challenge, then a medical internship is something for you!
Luckily for you, Proyecto peru provides a wide range of medical internships in Cusco, such as doctors assistant & nursing, midwifery, physiotherapy, psychology, dentistry and more! (https://proyectoperucentre.org/internship/medical-internship-peru.html)
Cusco is a beautiful place in the Andes with a rich history and where traditions are still lively celebrated. And not to even mention the delicious food of Peru. It is located in the mountains and relatively close to the Amazon. And with Machu Picchu nearby, Cusco has become a popular city to visit. (https://proyectoperucentre.org/about-peru.html)

In the Cusco region, there are many local communities located in the Andes mountains. The access to quality healthcare can be complicated for these communities. They have to travel far to get to a city, or a doctor has to visit them for help. Moreover, Amnemia is still a serious problem, approximately 43,5% of the urban children and 51,1% of the rurar children between 6 and 36 months year old have anemia. (2017, World Health Organization). This leads to the first reason why you should do a medical internship in Peru:
- Your help is needed!
These topics can be difficult to discuss, but besides all its lovely and fast-developing progress, there is still work to do! The pandemic in the last year has pointed out how Peru has progress to make in its healthcare system. And especially now, your help is needed more than ever. Whether you do a doctors assistant & nursing project to support in vaccinations, a midwifery project with healthcare workshops for young moms, or even a psychology project to adress domestic violence, your help is needed and will be appreciated.
- Profesional growth
During your internship in Cusco, you will be placed in one of our local clinics or hospitals. In the beginning, you will follow and observe your doctor, nurse, psychologist or physiotherapists. Dependent on your study & Spanish level, you will get the opportunity to build up your tasks. And with our rotate-system, you will be able to observe several areas in your clinical placement! You observe and work with real patients with real problems and emotions. You might even be able to assist operations and more. These experiences will provide you many insights, broaden your knowledge and give you confidence as a medical professional in this working field.

- Personal growth
Besides your growth as a professional, you should not underestimate the progress you will make personally. During this internship, you will be faced with different, new and challenging situations. It is very likely this will broaden your view and perspective on the world, healthcare systems and individual beings.
Moreover, the internship is a great way to power up your Spanish skills, talking with patients, other doctors, your host family and other locals. You will improve your Spanish quickly, especially if you support this further with Proyecto Peru’s Medical Spanish Programme. (https://proyectoperucentre.org/spanish-classes-in-cusco.php)
- It is an amazing time & experience!
Most of all, it is an amazing time, experience and a lot of fun! Proyecto Peru organizes weekly activities to meet other volunteers and interns in Cusco. Together you can go to a Salsa class, exotic fruit tasting, international food night and more. And in the weekends you usually have time to discover the beautiful andes area, Cusco’s history or to just have a great time with the other interns!
Interested in a medical internship in Peru? Contact info@proyectoperucentre.org.