Teaching at an
After School Club

Project description
In Cusco there are several after school programs. Proyecto Peru primarily works with the after school programs where the help is most needed. In the after school programs, you will work with the more “vulnerable” children. The parents of these kids work, for example, on the street, or have a hard time providing food.
Therefore, cooking lunch or dinner for the kids is an essential part in these after school programs. In the after school program you will primarily work with children between 6 and 12 years old. You may also work with younger or older kids as well. You get the opportunity to take care of these children and teach them something valuable. What you want to teach them is completely up to you! You can teach them sports, English, or help them with their mathematic homework. The more initiative you take, the more value you can add to this project!
Project Profile
- Minimum stay: 3 weeks
- Working hours: Monday to Friday from 2pm until 6pm/7pm
- Spanish: Basic/Intermediate
- Donation: $50 once
- Supervise the children
- Take care of children and give them attention
- Help children with their homework
- Teach English (optional)
- Help in cooking and cleaning
- Play with the children, from drawing to playing sports outside
Good to know
You can create activities and/or English classes for the children. It is completely up to you what you want to teach! If you organize workshops, they will be starting at 4 PM, after most kids are done with their homework, or after their snack (5:30/6 PM).
There isn’t any fixed structure for volunteering activities. It’s a family atmosphere where you can propose new ideas easily!