One of Proyecto Peru’s projects is English teaching. There are plenty of volunteer opportunities in Cuzco so you’ll surely find something to match your skills!
Do you prefer working with children? Teach English and other skills to children at local schools. International Volunteer teaching English project empowers volunteers to assist in local schools, gain teaching experience and pass on invaluable English language skills to local children. This is a great opportunity to support Peruvian children in their development. Usually, the children are between 5 and 12 years old.
What to expect and how you’ll make an impact
As a volunteer teacher in Cuzco, you’ll assist qualified English teachers and help with English lessons in local schools, after-school programs, and community centers. You’ll help students to develop their spoken and written language skills in a fun and interactive way.
Discover, immerse, experience & grow! Cuzco is your gateway to the Incan Empire – Take advantage of this, and use it as your base.
Cuzco is home to many wonderful sights, ruins, and museums, its real benefit is that it serves as a fantastic base from which to trek deep into the Andean countryside and explore the Sacred Valley; a place linked by ancient trails and punctuated with history.
Teaching English however, may sounds easier that it is, speaking a language fluently is not the same as teaching it. Therefore we give you some tips on how to teach English in Cuzco!

- Keep it simple
Especially in the beginning, make sure to speak english in a simple and understandable way. If you speak english a in a formal and complicated way, the students might get nervous or feel bad because they don’t understand it. Use the first week to evaluate your students English level and adapt your speaking style to this. Moreover, using gestures is essential to help them understand better!
- Evaluate their level
It is important to evaluate their level every now and then. In that way you can track their progress, but also figure out what teaching styles might work better. Usually, you are not the first or only volunteer teaching English at this school. The evaluation is essential in responsable volunteering, make sure to check their level and knowledge so you can pick up where the other volunteer left and make a real difference.
- Be creative
When you work with children, it is crucial to be creative! Children easily get bored so don’t expect them to work on one exercise for a whole hour. Teach english through games, sports, arts, music or find another creative way. You can for example sing some of their favorite english songs or integrate english words into a game. Moreover, most people love talking about their hobbies and passion, use this as a starting point to get their interest!
- Don’t give them too much homework
The children in these projects usually come from different backgrounds. Don’t expect them to do homework at home. The objective of these projects is to support and teach them a skill and knowledge, but also to provide them a safe environment to be a child and have some fun. They key is to find a balance between those two!

In Cuzco, every corner tells a story and every story is captivating, mystical, and inviting. Imagine walking through streets with names like “Ataúd” [Coffin], Siete Culebras [Seven Serpents], and “Arpías” [Harpies]. In these streets time seems to have stopped, every corner offers a piece of history, and the stones remain alive because they have survived intact.
Cuzco witnessed the arrival of the Spanish, and yet to this day it conserves ancestral magic which captivates the thousands of visitors who each year form part of its living history.
Interested in teaching English in Cuzco? Contact info@proyectoperucentre.org for more information!