Learn Spanish in Peru

In this article, Laura Graichen shares her experience learning Spanish with Proyecto Peru.

Five years ago, I came to South America with zero knowledge of the Spanish language. I thought that I would get far with hands and footwork, but nothing could be further from the truth. Well, in the end you will get there, but some basic knowledge of Spanish is actually indispensable as it makes traveling a lot easier. In addition, it is nice if you can chat a little with the locals. You immediately get a lot of respect if they only see that you are trying!

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Checklist before you travel in Peru

Proyecto Peru helps you with the preparation for your trip to Peru. Below we have listed the most important subjects.

How long does the trip to Peru take?

Peru is a very big country, about 2.5 times bigger than France. So be aware of your travel preparation, and that it takes a lot of time to travel these distances. Between the coast and the inner land lies the Andean chain. There are some peaks between 3,000 and 4,000 meters (if not higher!) That you have to cross.

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8 free things to do in Cusco

Chances are that the Inca capital, Cusco, is on the programme during your tour through Peru. From here you can make trips to the surrounding Inca ruins in the Sacred Valley and of course your excursion to the not-so-hidden Inca city of Machu Picchu.

Cusco is well-organised, friendly and you will find many remnants of the resourceful Incas here. It means that many travellers like to stay in the city for a little longer. And even if you’ve just booked an expensive excursion to Machu Picchu or are travelling on a limited budget, these eight tips for free activities in Cusco prove that a few extra days don’t have to cost much at all

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4 tips to be a more responsible volunteer

Many companies brag about being socially responsible. They take volunteering very seriously and look for that in all their employees. Even some people are looking to volunteer abroad to get to know these responsible and ethical companies.

Many people decide to take a sabbatical year after finishing high school or university in order to find themselves or have a life-changing experience and opt to volunteer abroad.

How about spending your next holidays in Peru, hiking through the Andes and visiting archaeological ruins while helping the community? Sounds cool, right?

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Life in Cusco: The best bars in town

“You can’t buy happiness, but you can prepare a cocktail. And that’s kind of the same thing.”

When googling Cusco to do your volunteer work, I’m sure you are bombarded with cute photos of llamas and alpacas (and, of course, you’re not able to tell which one is which). And you’re also bombarded with beautiful photos of Machu Picchu, Rainbow Mountain, the Sacred Valley, Lake Humantay, and the list goes on.

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