How to be a responsible volunteer and contribute the most!

Volunteering is a great experience for both local projects and volunteers. Sometimes however, it can be challenging to discover how you can contribute and actually make a difference. The goal of Proyecto Peru is to support volunteers so they can fully exploit their skills to help local projects. 

Responsible volunteering focuses on the needs and wishes of local projects. It is important to first dive into the local project and analyse what is truly needed, then it is possible to make a planning and see how the skills of volunteers can contribute to these goals.

So how can you be a responsibly volunteer and contribute the most? Here are Proyecto Peru´s best tips on how to make a difference!

  1. An open mindset

Make sure to always have an open mindset. Try to put yourself in the projects position instead of the I position. Responsibly volunteering is about putting the project first. The feeling you get when you realise you have truly contributed to an improvement is definitely worth it!

  1. Focus on long-term goals

Short-term goals can be fun to work on. However, if you really want to make a difference then try to focus on long-term goals. For example, be part of a long-term English programme. Are you just coming for a couple of weeks? Instead of just starting with the basics of English, check at what level and what topic the other volunteer left and pick this up. In this way, the children won’t be learning the colors or numbers every time again but can actually make real progress!

*Proyecto Peru works on continues teaching English programmes in which every volunteer is part of long-term learning goals*

  1. Adapt!

Volunteering abroad can be very challenging, the culture, the language and punctuality can be different from what you are used to. The best tip we can give you is to adapt and to be flexible! Don´t get frustrated because of less structured schedules and unpunctuality. Moreover, use your network of other volunteers. You won’t be the only volunteer who might be dealing with culture shock, talk and laugh about it with your colleagues!

  1. Get to know yourself

Most people underestimate how valuable it can be to evaluate yourself. What are your skills or what special talent do you have? Proyecto Peru encourages students in this journey to find out how they contribute in their way. There are so many ways to contribute and to make a difference, are you good at listening and talking with the students, or at teaching english, music or even art? Or maybe you have some special leadership skills you can use when coordinating a special trip for them? Use this experience to evealute and recognise your skills so you can put these skills into practice and make a difference!

  1. Enjoy!

You will find that this volunteering journey will also include a lot of fun! It is very likely you will grow as a person during your volunteering programme, this experience brings you new ideas and most of all, provides new insights and perspectives! Not even to mention the many and deep friendships you build with other volunteers and the children you might work with!

As in all countries, the pandemic has been difficult and unfortunately caused an increase in poverty. Therefore your help is now needed more then ever! Read more about our projects at or contact now for more information about how to contribute to our social work and education projects.