7 Reasons why apps can’t replace Spanish teachers

apps can't replace teachers

With the rise of technology and all the options coming with it, jobs are taken over by robots and automized. These days, you can do pretty much everything on your mobile. There is an app for everything! But why can’t apps replace teachers?

Online learning gets more and more popular. You can study and learn all kinds of things from behind your device. Today, you don’t even have to travel anymore to dig into a new culture or language. There is a variety of language learning apps that you can download on your phone that will help you learn a new language. But, are they as effective as you wish it to be? And, will they ever be able to offer what teachers can offer you? In short, will technology ever replace teachers? Of course, this also depends on your learning objectives. In this article, we will answer these questions for you.

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The history of the Day of the Flag in Peru

Each year on the 7th on June, Peru celebrates la Día de la Bandera: Day of the Flag. It is a day of national pride full of festivities such as parades and various ceremonies. The day dates back to the Peruvian resistance to the Chilean invasion in 1880 at the Morro de Arica; a mountain located in Southern-Peru. Interested in getting to know more about this national festivity? Keep reading!

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