Each year on the 7th on June, Peru celebrates la Día de la Bandera: Day of the Flag. It is a day of national pride full of festivities such as parades and various ceremonies. The day dates back to the Peruvian resistance to the Chilean invasion in 1880 at the Morro de Arica; a mountain located in Southern-Peru. Interested in getting to know more about this national festivity? Keep reading!
Continue reading “The history of the Day of the Flag in Peru”Notable Sites in Cusco, Peru Every History Buff Should Visit
A trip to Peru is not complete without visiting the ancient Inca capital, Cusco. Set at more than 3,000 meters above sea level, it is definitely worth spending a few days in the city to get used to the altitude. Luckily, there are plenty of things to do and historical sites to visit in Cusco so you won’t be bored!
Continue reading “Notable Sites in Cusco, Peru Every History Buff Should Visit”Peruvian History: The Cusco Flag
The first thing people visiting Cusco will see is the big rainbow flag at the main square and on all buildings of the city centre. Maybe the first thought you had when seeing this was Wow, Cusco is very LGTB friendly! I’m afraid the Cusco flag is not the same as the LGTB one. It has a different story. If you want to know more, then keep reading!
Continue reading “Peruvian History: The Cusco Flag”