The history of the Day of the Flag in Peru

Each year on the 7th on June, Peru celebrates la Día de la Bandera: Day of the Flag. It is a day of national pride full of festivities such as parades and various ceremonies. The day dates back to the Peruvian resistance to the Chilean invasion in 1880 at the Morro de Arica; a mountain located in Southern-Peru. Interested in getting to know more about this national festivity? Keep reading!

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Peru honours the potato during “Day of the Potato”

portal blog day of the potato

On 30 May, the southern Peruvian city of Cusco is entirely dedicated to the ‘papa’; the potato. With more than 3,200 different types of potatoes, Peru is the destination for potato lovers. In terms of diversity and numbers, the Peruvian potatoes are world-class. Every year, Peruvians celebrate “La Día de la Papa”: National Potato Day.

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Boleto Turístico Cusco: What is it and what can you do with it?

Are you excited about going to Peru and starting to think about what you want to do when you arrive in Cusco? There are so many nice spots to visit and capture with your camera. On the internet you probably already found information about Machu Picchu with cloudless photos. But there are so many more things to do. So where do you start?

When you are travelling to Peru and preparing your trips, you must have seen the “Boleto Turístico” at some point of your search. Doesn’t ring a bell? Keep reading and we will explain you all you need to know about the “Boleto Turístico”. 😀 

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50 Curiosities about Peru you probably didn’t know

I mean what exactly is it you know about Peru? Alpacas, llamas, Machu Picchu and good food, that’s what everyone will say. But Peru is so much more than that. Peru is full of nature, interesting sites, has a rich history and much more. Apart from those reasons, the warm and welcoming culture is something else, especially for people who come visiting from far. If you are curious about coming here, get to know these 50 curiosities about Peru we selected for you!

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Discover Peru: What to bring to Cusco?

As you’re getting reading for your trip to Peru, it might be time to pack your suitcase, which always causes headaches. When you are preparing for an adventurous trip, you mostly think about clothing or gear. Then other problems arise: “This is waaaay too much!”, “Is this even enough?”, “What do I wear if I go hiking?“. This is why Proyecto Peru shares this checklist: what to bring to Peru with you to avoid transforming in either one of these two types:

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Peruvian Culture: Discover Cusco Carnival

Have you already been in the Inca Empire’s former capital, Cusco? If you haven’t, Proyecto Peru will give you yet another reason why you should visit it and discover the Peruvian culture!

Cusco’s Carnivals

Cusco catches the eye of all world travellers and is one the first options when planning a trip to Peru. For this, and more reasons, the US website News & World Report ranked Cusco first on the best places to visit in Latin America.

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