Have you ever studied a language at university and forgotten all about it six months later? Well, don’t worry you are not the only one! For decades now, universities have been using the so-called “traditional language learning methods“. Every student is approached in the same way and tested on their general knowledge. In recent years, this technique is being questioned on its effectiveness and effiency.
Continue reading “How do you prefer to learn a new language?”7 Reasons why apps can’t replace Spanish teachers
With the rise of technology and all the options coming with it, jobs are taken over by robots and automized. These days, you can do pretty much everything on your mobile. There is an app for everything! But why can’t apps replace teachers?
Online learning gets more and more popular. You can study and learn all kinds of things from behind your device. Today, you don’t even have to travel anymore to dig into a new culture or language. There is a variety of language learning apps that you can download on your phone that will help you learn a new language. But, are they as effective as you wish it to be? And, will they ever be able to offer what teachers can offer you? In short, will technology ever replace teachers? Of course, this also depends on your learning objectives. In this article, we will answer these questions for you.
Continue reading “7 Reasons why apps can’t replace Spanish teachers”7 Reasons to learn Spanish
Spanish is one of the most popular languages among language students. It is a language that sounds very sensual, is used a lot and has many other advantages, which makes this language one of the most outstanding options available. Here are seven reasons as to why you should start learning Spanish today.
Continue reading “7 Reasons to learn Spanish”Hannah and Linda’s Experience in Cusco
Let’s get to know our volunteers a little more. Meet Linda(18) and Hannah(18) from Germany. They arrived in Cusco 3 months ago after doing some volunteering work in Zanzibar. How cool right? 😲
Currently, they are volunteering at a school in Cusco with Proyecto Peru. They are working in Childcare as teachers and helping with activities for the kids. Do you want to get to know more about their experience in Cusco? Keep reading.
Continue reading “Hannah and Linda’s Experience in Cusco”Learn Spanish in Peru: Clare’s Adventures in Cusco
This is Clare’s story living and learning Spanish in Cusco.
I started my year abroad in Peru knowing three spanish phrases, “El baño?” “no habla espanol” and “gracias”. In hindsight, I now know why nobody understood me- I was saying the first two wrong! Thanks to Google Translate and lots of guessing, I made my way through my first few days in Lima. The next three days were spent taking Peru Hop buses from Lima along the coast, finally arriving in Cusco.
Continue reading “Learn Spanish in Peru: Clare’s Adventures in Cusco”