Tips on how to teach English in Cuzco!

One of Proyecto Peru’s projects is English teaching. There are plenty of volunteer opportunities in Cuzco so you’ll surely find something to match your skills!

Do you prefer working with children? Teach English and other skills to children at local schools. International Volunteer teaching English project empowers volunteers to assist in local schools, gain teaching experience and pass on invaluable English language skills to local children. This is a great opportunity to support Peruvian children in their development. Usually, the children are between 5 and 12 years old.

What to expect and how you’ll make an impact

As a volunteer teacher in Cuzco, you’ll assist qualified English teachers and help with English lessons in local schools, after-school programs, and community centers. You’ll help students to develop their spoken and written language skills in a fun and interactive way.

Discover, immerse, experience & grow! Cuzco is your gateway to the Incan Empire – Take advantage of this, and use it as your base.

Cuzco is home to many wonderful sights, ruins, and museums, its real benefit is that it serves as a fantastic base from which to trek deep into the Andean countryside and explore the Sacred Valley; a place linked by ancient trails and punctuated with history.

Teaching English however, may sounds easier that it is, speaking a language fluently is not the same as teaching it. Therefore we give you some tips on how to teach English in Cuzco!

  1. Keep it simple

Especially in the beginning, make sure to speak english in a simple and understandable way. If you speak english a in a formal and complicated way, the students might get nervous or feel bad because they don’t understand it. Use the first week to evaluate your students English level and adapt your speaking style to this. Moreover, using gestures is essential to help them understand better!

  1. Evaluate their level

It is important to evaluate their level every now and then. In that way you can track their progress, but also figure out what teaching styles might work better. Usually, you are not the first or only volunteer teaching English at this school. The evaluation is essential in responsable volunteering, make sure to check their level and knowledge so you can pick up where the other volunteer left and make a real difference. 

  1. Be creative

When you work with children, it is crucial to be creative! Children easily get bored so don’t expect them to work on one exercise for a whole hour. Teach english through games, sports, arts, music or find another creative way. You can for example sing some of their favorite english songs or integrate english words into a game. Moreover, most people love talking about their hobbies and passion, use this as a starting point to get their interest!

  1. Don’t give them too much homework

The children in these projects usually come from different backgrounds. Don’t expect them to do homework at home. The objective of these projects is to support and teach them a skill and knowledge, but also to provide them a safe environment to be a child and have some fun. They key is to find a balance between those two! 

In Cuzco, every corner tells a story and every story is captivating, mystical, and inviting. Imagine walking through streets with names like “Ataúd” [Coffin], Siete Culebras [Seven Serpents], and “Arpías” [Harpies]. In these streets time seems to have stopped, every corner offers a piece of history, and the stones remain alive because they have survived intact.

Cuzco witnessed the arrival of the Spanish, and yet to this day it conserves ancestral magic which captivates the thousands of visitors who each year form part of its living history.

Interested in teaching English in Cuzco? Contact for more information!

Why should I do a medical internship in Peru?

During or after a medical study, most students follow-up with an internship. Internships are globally highly encouraged and are becoming more and more populair to get experience and gain knowledge and confidence. Especially in the medical field, internships are crucial to get comfortable in your workfield in a challenging, but also save environment.

This time is a special experience to develop yourself both personally and professionally. And if you are one of those persons, who are always looking for some extra challenge, then a medical internship is something for you!

Luckily for you, Proyecto peru provides a wide range of medical internships in Cusco, such as doctors assistant & nursing, midwifery, physiotherapy, psychology, dentistry and more! (

Cusco is a beautiful place in the Andes with a rich history and where traditions are still lively celebrated. And not to even mention the delicious food of Peru. It is located in the mountains and relatively close to the Amazon. And with Machu Picchu nearby, Cusco has become a popular city to visit. (

In the Cusco region, there are many local communities located in the Andes mountains. The access to quality healthcare can be complicated for these communities. They have to travel far to get to a city, or a doctor has to visit them for help. Moreover, Amnemia is still a serious problem, approximately 43,5% of the urban children and 51,1% of the rurar children between 6 and 36 months year old have anemia. (2017, World Health Organization). This leads to the first reason why you should do a medical internship in Peru:

  1. Your help is needed!

These topics can be difficult to discuss, but besides all its lovely and fast-developing progress, there is still work to do! The pandemic in the last year has pointed out how Peru has progress to make in its healthcare system. And especially now, your help is needed more than ever. Whether you do a doctors assistant & nursing project to support in vaccinations, a midwifery project with healthcare workshops for young moms, or even a psychology project to adress domestic violence, your help is needed and will be appreciated.

  1. Profesional growth

During your internship in Cusco, you will be placed in one of our local clinics or hospitals. In the beginning, you will follow and observe your doctor, nurse, psychologist or physiotherapists. Dependent on your study & Spanish level, you will get the opportunity to build up your tasks. And with our rotate-system, you will be able to observe several areas in your clinical placement! You observe and work with real patients with real problems and emotions. You might even be able to assist operations and more. These experiences will provide you many insights, broaden your knowledge and give you confidence as a medical professional in this working field.

  1. Personal growth

Besides your growth as a professional, you should not underestimate the progress you will make personally. During this internship, you will be faced with different, new and challenging situations. It is very likely this will broaden your view and perspective on the world, healthcare systems and individual beings.

Moreover, the internship is a great way to power up your Spanish skills, talking with patients, other doctors, your host family and other locals. You will improve your Spanish quickly, especially if you support this further with Proyecto Peru’s Medical Spanish Programme. (

  1. It is an amazing time & experience!

Most of all, it is an amazing time, experience and a lot of fun! Proyecto Peru organizes weekly activities to meet other volunteers and interns in Cusco. Together you can go to a Salsa class, exotic fruit tasting, international food night and more. And in the weekends you usually have time to discover the beautiful andes area, Cusco’s history or to just have a great time with the other interns!

Interested in a medical internship in Peru? Contact

How to be a responsible volunteer and contribute the most!

Volunteering is a great experience for both local projects and volunteers. Sometimes however, it can be challenging to discover how you can contribute and actually make a difference. The goal of Proyecto Peru is to support volunteers so they can fully exploit their skills to help local projects. 

Responsible volunteering focuses on the needs and wishes of local projects. It is important to first dive into the local project and analyse what is truly needed, then it is possible to make a planning and see how the skills of volunteers can contribute to these goals.

So how can you be a responsibly volunteer and contribute the most? Here are Proyecto Peru´s best tips on how to make a difference!

  1. An open mindset

Make sure to always have an open mindset. Try to put yourself in the projects position instead of the I position. Responsibly volunteering is about putting the project first. The feeling you get when you realise you have truly contributed to an improvement is definitely worth it!

  1. Focus on long-term goals

Short-term goals can be fun to work on. However, if you really want to make a difference then try to focus on long-term goals. For example, be part of a long-term English programme. Are you just coming for a couple of weeks? Instead of just starting with the basics of English, check at what level and what topic the other volunteer left and pick this up. In this way, the children won’t be learning the colors or numbers every time again but can actually make real progress!

*Proyecto Peru works on continues teaching English programmes in which every volunteer is part of long-term learning goals*

  1. Adapt!

Volunteering abroad can be very challenging, the culture, the language and punctuality can be different from what you are used to. The best tip we can give you is to adapt and to be flexible! Don´t get frustrated because of less structured schedules and unpunctuality. Moreover, use your network of other volunteers. You won’t be the only volunteer who might be dealing with culture shock, talk and laugh about it with your colleagues!

  1. Get to know yourself

Most people underestimate how valuable it can be to evaluate yourself. What are your skills or what special talent do you have? Proyecto Peru encourages students in this journey to find out how they contribute in their way. There are so many ways to contribute and to make a difference, are you good at listening and talking with the students, or at teaching english, music or even art? Or maybe you have some special leadership skills you can use when coordinating a special trip for them? Use this experience to evealute and recognise your skills so you can put these skills into practice and make a difference!

  1. Enjoy!

You will find that this volunteering journey will also include a lot of fun! It is very likely you will grow as a person during your volunteering programme, this experience brings you new ideas and most of all, provides new insights and perspectives! Not even to mention the many and deep friendships you build with other volunteers and the children you might work with!

As in all countries, the pandemic has been difficult and unfortunately caused an increase in poverty. Therefore your help is now needed more then ever! Read more about our projects at or contact now for more information about how to contribute to our social work and education projects.

How to deal with language barriers in the medical field

The amount of Spanish speakers in the United States has increased significantly with over 233% since 1980. Nowadays, there are more than 41 million Spanish speakers in the United States. 

Especially first generation immigrants sometimes struggle with language barriers. This also affects their healthcare. An investigation was conducted on how language barriers affect access to healthcare. It turned out that latino parents reported much more cases of their children living in poor health than non-latinos. 

The investigation also mentioned that non-English-speaking patients receive fewer preventive services and have less access to healthcare than English-speaking patients. Moreover, over 90% of the physicians noted that they needed much more time to treat non-English-speaking patients. Which complicated their healthcare services. 

In the past years, this topic has become more and more relevant with the growing spanish-speaking population. Universities are now offering minors in medical Spanish, studies abroad and internships to better prepare their medical students for language barriers in their work field. 

Even some basic Spanish skills can greatly improve someone’s healthcare experience. Here are some tips on how to deal with language barriers in the medical field. 

Don’t be shy to use google translate and interpreters

We now live in a very dynamic world with many useful digital applications. You should not be shy to use google translator or other types of interpreters. When you work in the medical field with a high amount of Spanish-speaking patients, then this application is a must-have for you!

These tools can easily help you turn a 15 minute, difficult, uncomfortable and unclear conversation into a 5 minute and understandable meeting. And even though communication though an application might not be the best method when talking about someone’s health, it is always better than having misunderstandings about such important topics. 

Be careful when using friends or family-member translators

Although it is a nice gesture from a non-English speaking patient to bring a friend or family member to help in translation, this can cause problems. As most workers in the medical field now, the medical vocabulary is very different from the general and spoken english. Even though someone might seem fluent in the spoken english language, does not mean he also has the comprehensive skills of medical vocabulary. 

It is not true that you can never use patients’ friends or family-members as translators. But you must check carefully if they truly understand you and are able to translate your information correctly to Spanish. Incorrect translations through family members, and especially through someone’s child can get you in serious legal problems if things go wrong. 

It might seem like the quickest and easiest option, but the translation application method might still be a better option.

Woman in Gray Long Sleeve Shirt Wearing White and Black Stethoscope

It is not just a language barrier, there is a cultural barrier

The more experienced workers in the medical field will definitely recognise this, it is not just a language barrier, but a cultural barrier. Even if you speak some Spanish, it is very helpful to be aware of some cultural differences. The best service you could offer is providing a bicultural environment. This supports the patients in truly opening up and providing you all the information you need. 

With the current demographics, translation services within the medical field are no longer considered to be a luxury, but a necessity to provide the needed healthcare services. 

Do you work in the medical field or are you a medical student? Then Proyecto Peru´s extensive medical spanish course can help you master medical spanish skills!

The course is focused on hands-on Spanish speaking skills and teaches you medical introductions and greetings, medical vocabulary and most importantly; how to discuss a patient’s symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Don´t waste time on learning endless grammar rules, but learn Spanish you can implement tomorrow at your job while gradually improving your grammar, vocabulary and speaking skills!

10 tips to learn Spanish faster

Spanish can be a difficult language to learn, this is because the Don Quijote’s language is made up of lots of variations and exceptions since a phrase can be built in different ways without changing the its meaning. In this article, Proyecto Peru will give you some tips on how to learn Spanish faster.

Native Spanish speakers are able to understand all the language variations and, usually, use them with no effort. Having said this, even though the phonetics are easy to comprehend, some phrases can be extremely difficult to understand for people that didn’t learn the language at a young age.

It is also true that people that speak romance languages, such as French, Italian, or Portuguese, are prone to learn Spanish faster since the grammar can be similar. You also have to consider that every country has their own norms and customs. For example, there are words that Spanish use, but the Peruvians don’t, and vice versa. However, this doesn’t mean that learning Spanish is impossible. It does require and effort and time.

To help you in our journeys, here are some tips:

Be patient

Lots of students hope to learn Spanish fast and then lose interest when they realise it’s not going as fast as they hope. In order to properly learn Spanish, it is necessary to invest quite some time. This is why it is important to go slow and have realistic goals that we can achieve without difficulties. You can reward yourself for each goal met and always remember not to have unrealistic goals.

Study abroad

With the current situation, this is not the best idea; however, with how advanced technology is nowadays, you can access to Spanish schools around the globe. So, take Spanish classes online and make sure your teacher is a native speaker of the language. All our teachers at Proyecto Peru are native speakers and are certified by the renowned Cervantes Institute, so you will have the best experience in your language journey.

Read in Spanish

You can considerably improve your Spanish proficiency by frequently reading news articles and short stories. This is also a great way to improve your vocabulary and learn common phrases. This way you will be able to use this phrases in your daily life and gain confidence when speaking Spanish.

Organise yourself and your work

Nowadays, we have a great variety of available resources to learn Spanish. This makes it easy to have an overload of information, such as notes, books, and internet resources. Because of this, it is important to be able to revise everything you’ve learnt and understand it. After that you can organise all your material the way works best for you. There’s nothing more annoying than to try to look for information over and over again in a pile of notebooks.

Put a label on everything

Both teachers and students agree that labeling is a great method to memorise important words and phrases in Spanish. For example, you can place them on your furniture, using post-it notes, writing that they mean and memorise them while you walk around you house.

Watch subtitled movies

This is one the easiest and most enjoyable activities to learn Spanish. Try to spend some time watching TV and movies in Spanish or in your language, but with the Spanish subtitles turned on. This is very useful when we want to improve our speaking and listening in Spanish. We recommend you want films you’ve already watched, this way you will have a deeper understanding of the film and you will be able to concentrate more on the language.

Use memory cards

A memory card is a small card of piece of paper that you can carry during the day and you can quickly have a look. If you hear a work very often during your day, write it down. You can also have cards for words you have a difficult time learning.

Learn with a friend

Learning Spanish can turn out be very frustrating when you don’t see fast results. The best way to not lose motivation is to find friends that can help you. Learning Spanish with a friend makes this easier as you can practice with them out of study hours.

Distribute your time

It’s impossible to learn everything in one sitting, but it’s usual to study one week or the night before an exam. The best you can do is to distribute your time and it’s better if arrange short study sessions with homework instead of study loads of information before the big day. Having short study sessions will help you notice common mistakes and correct them for your next class.

Join a Hispanic community

A lot of people of people, just like you, want to learn Spanish. You can join online communities that want to practice with other Spanish students. And you are living in a Spanish-speaking country, you can even meet your online friends and practice with them in person.

As you can see, learning Spanish can be sound impossible or very difficult. Your learning progress will depend on how much work you put on it and the resources you have at hand. Depending on how you see things, this can also be fun and gratifying.

If you really want to learn Spanish, you have to put your heart and soul to do it. Only one hour every now and then is not enough, you need to come up with a strategy and stick to it.

At Proyecto Peru, our teachers are more than qualified to help you in your language journey. You can book as many hours as you want and we will be there to help you. For more information on our online packages, please check our website.

Article taken and translated from Salminter.

2020: a year full of surprises!

If there is one thing we can all agree on, then it is that 2020 has been a year full of surprises. The COVID pandemic has put countries worldwide in a lockdown. We all had to adapt to social restrictions, lockdown and other limitations. This has been no exception for Proyecto Peru, the long lockdown has started to take his toll and therefore we started a fundraising to help us get through the lockdown.

As it has been a challenging year for most of us, it is time to stay focused on the positive! Because besides our continues support to local projects and communities, Proyecto Peru has provided hundreds of students with meaningful and learning experiences in the past 15 years! And we definitely want to continue helping them discover, immerse, experience and grow in the following years. Therefore, Proyecto Peru gathered some of our previous student’s stories of Peru. You can participate and share your story of how you discovered, immersed, experienced and grew in Peru on Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #DiscoverImmerseExperienceandGrow

How Cierra discovered, immersed, experienced and grew in Peru

‘my time in Cusco was absolutely amazing and I owe a lot of my great experiences to Proyecto Peru. They helped me meet friends while i was in Peru and gave me the best professor in the world to teach me Spanish.

The organized activities were important to me and helped me immerse into the Peruvian culture while making local friends.

Some of my best memories are from the salsa and bachata classes in ‘mama africa,’ we ended up dancing there several times a week!

On top of all, we had the most caring and happy family and I am grateful that I spend 3 months with them. My experience had taught me a lot about the diversity of life´

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How Lasse discovered, immersed, experienced and grew in Peru

From the moment I took my first steps on Peruvian ground I felt that something huge was going on. I’m not talking about something big for the general public; I’m talking about something that happened inside me. That feeling expanded over the course of the next four months when I got to know a lot of amazing people from Cusco in general and from Proyecto Peru specifically. With their support and outgoing mentality I had the foundation for an adventurous time in this beautiful country. 

They provided me with a secure base which meant I had all the energy to discover and grow as a person, and they functioned as a central point of social gatherings which made me immerse myself into Peruvian culture and experience some of the most breathtaking views I have ever seen. Proyecto Peru made an immense impact on a journey that would already have been unforgettable. 

Don’t hesitate to contact the lovely people at Proyecto Peru if you want a fantastic experience!

How Emil discovered, immersed, experienced and grew in Peru

The time I spent in Cusco volunteering with projects was awesome. I felt I made a difference, and working with Proyecto Peru was completely awesome in becoming who I am today. Peru became a home, and Proyecto Peru played a big part in that, while making sure you have a good time they worked on improving the community which led to a total peace of mind. So make a difference by working with proyecto Peru. You won’t regret it!

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Usually, Christmas is a special and busy time at Proyecto Peru! In previous years, Proyecto Peru donates chocolates and gifts to our afterschool’s, kindergarten and childcare projects. The month December we are busy wrapping and distributing gifts, chocolate and visiting projects. Unfortunately, this was not possible this year due to Covid. Luckily, Proyecto Peru has been able to donate some small gifts to the local project coordinators. Once the childcare projects open again (expected to open in March), the gifts will be distributed!

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This year, Proyecto Peru primarily donated some books, school materials, candies, toys and some clothes to the childcare projects. Another small donation of dog toys and food was made to our dog shelter and a bag full of clothes and shoes was donated to the woman protection centre.

The Proyecto Peru team stays positive and we cannot wait to welcome students again to Cusco! In the meanwhile, any help to get us through the lockdown is much appreciated, you can donate at:

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Support local projects in Cusco!

Proyecto Peru was founded in 2005 by Dora Elguera Velarde, having the dream of spreading the Spanish language while contributing meaningful work to local communities. 

We can proudly say that since 2005, Proyecto Peru has been able to do so! We have received many volunteers and interns who contributed to more than 40 projects such as after school programs, early childhood development, dog shelters and much more. We also received many donations from our supporters, donating food, equipment (like refrigerators), educational materials and much more.

Proyecto Peru envisions a network of travelers dedicated to connecting with the communities they visit and set a standard for responsible and sustainable tourism. In the past years, Proyecto Peru has contributed to driving positive change and improvement by::

1. Sending responsible volunteers and investing in local projects to contribute to positive change and development of the Peruvian communities

2. Sending students to host families (with which many local families have been able to generate extra income)

3. To give native Spanish teachers the opportunity to teach and share the Spanish language

4. To not just send our students away to a volunteering project, but to provide them continuous support in their experience, making sure they leave Peru with a cross-cultural, giving and rewarding experience

Proyecto Peru is passionate about providing an intercultural experience. The continuous in-country support is an important aspect for us. With weekly meetings we make sure the students contribute to the project while they discover, immerse, experience and grow inter-culturally. Moreover, we match students with the project, making sure everyone’s special skills or talents are connected with the right project in which they can contribute the most.

About the projects

Proyecto Peru supports animal care projects, including a dog shelter and wildlife rescue center. The dog shelter has to maintain more than 150 sick and injured dogs. Their main goal is to rescue these animals from the street and to find them a new home. It often happens that volunteers fall in love with the dogs and sometimes they even adopt one of these beautiful animals!

Moreover, the dog shelter usually organizes several types of campaigns, such as free sterilization, vaccinations and more. In this way, they support the local community in taking care of their dogs.

In Cusco there are many childcare projects. Unfortunately, still not everyone has access to good education and a safe environment. The childcare projects focusses on providing a safe environment in which the children can really be children for a moment. Moreover, Proyecto Peru supports these projects in education (sending responsible volunteers, developing education programs and of course providing educational materials and more).

Proyecto Peru works closely together with more than 40 projects, in all type of categories! We for example also support special education projects, medical projects & campaigns, woman protection center and many more.

It is Proyecto Peru´s passion to be part of positive change and improvement. However, to continue to do so, we now need your help to get us through the lockdown until our clients come back!

Donate now with the link below and let us continue to help many more projects in 2021!

Read more about our volunteer projects:

Monthly update October

Hike Cerro Pikol

Last month, Peru loosened some restrictions and people are allowed to hike again! Cerro Pikol is a beautiful hike, though many tourists have never heard of it. 

There are many ways to the top, however, it is very easy to get lost so it is highly recommended to go there with someone who knows the route well! 

You can start this hike from Cusco, the San Sebastian and San Jeronimo district or you can take the bus to Pisac and get out halfway. However, all routes have one thing in common, you will hike up hundreds of meters to reach the top. At the top, you will reach an altitude of 4350 meters! Although this requires some effort, the amazing view over Cusco is definitely worth it!

Spanish for children

Did you already know that Proyecto Peru has the best Spanish teachers for children? In addition to their experience and certification, they know exactly how to keep the classes fun and interactive. 

Our teachers have unique and specialized methods, games and exercises to teach any child Spanish. The classes are for young children up to high school aged students and available for all levels!

Read more about Proyecto Peru`s online classes at

The Chimú Civilization in North Peru


Everyone has heard of Machu Picchu. However, did you know that Peru is full of other archaeological sites? For example the city Chan Chan is the largest pre-Columbian city in South America!

The Chimú civilization lived in the north of Peru, and several archaeological sites have been discovered with remains of these Chimú civilizations. This civilization had huge engineering projects, besides the largest mud brick city in the world (Chan Chan), they also invented a system to irrigate the desert sands of Peru. It was a powerful society with elite craftsmen and farmers before it was conquered by the Inca´s in 1470.

Archaeologists have found many remains of sacrificed children at Pampa La Cruz. They discovered 4 mass sacrifices, which were made between 1200 and 1450. One mass sacrifice consisted of more than 250 children between 4 and 12 years old. Archaeologists have also found many animal sacrifices and the remains of around 40 warriors. 

In 2018 archaeologists found 2 sites, one with the remains of 56 people and another one with 140 children and 200 baby llamas!

Researchers say that the Chimú civilization made these sacrifices to the Gods to end natural disasters and they expect to find many more sites in the future. Archaeologists also expect the melting rainwater to damage these remains as it is turning the city back into mud. Moreover, erosion can also further damage these historical remains. 


Goes the world travel award 2020 to Peru?

This year Peru got nominated for the world travel award 2020, this is the Oscar of tourism. In the past months, people have been able to vote and at the end of October the winners will be published. Peru has 24 nominations of the 28 categories. In total, there are 67 tourism Oscars in the world travel award. Specifically, places such as Lima, Machu Picchu, Colca Canyon and Mancora are nominated. 

Lima was nominated as the best city, the best place for sportive tourism, the best place for romantic tourism and the best place for events, festivals and conferences. Machu Picchu has been nominated as the best touristic and cultural attraction. Moreover, Mancora is considered to have one of the best beaches and Colca Canyon is nominated for the most natural and green tourist attraction. 

The OMT mentioned that in the first half of 2020, tourism dropped more than 65%. The tourism industry is considered to be one of the hardest hit industries of the Covid-19 crisis. The World Travel award is also seen as a medium to encourage countries to continue improving their touristic locations. 

Besides the mentioned nominations, Peru is also famous for their gastronomy. They have won the award numerous times for gastronomy and the award for the best cultural destination. Colca Canyon has also won the award for most green and natural tourist destination. In 2018, Colca Canyon had more than 290,000 visitors!

This month, national tourism is expected to open again. And Peruvians have the chance to enter places such as Colca Canyon and Machu Picchu for free. The government wants to encourage Peruvians to get to know their own country. In the past years, there has been a lot of focus on international and foreign tourists.  Locals now have the opportunity to visit these beautiful places for free. 

At the end of this month we will find out what tourist awards Peru has won! The many nominations already show the richness of Peru, whether you want to go to the jungle, the beach, the mountains, or a cultural city, Peru has it all!

People of Proyecto Peru – Enrique

Meet our operations coordinator: Enrique!

Last month (September) it was Kike´s birthday, Happy birthday Kike!

Enrique is our Operations Coordinator, he is better known as Kike. Kike was born in Cusco, but has also lived in Miami and Boston.

Kike is finishing his Business Administration studies with a thesis focused on Digital Marketing. Initially, Kike did an internship with Proyecto Peru almost 2 years ago. As he loved the environment, with both the co-workers and clients, he stayed with us as Operations Coordinator. 

Whether you want to know where you can buy a simcard for your phone, where you can take out money or where you can drink the best Pisco Sour in Cusco, Kike is there to help you!

Kike speaks English and his quote for learning a new language is: ´Live the language!´ According to Kike, you should listen to music, movies and podcast as much as possible, practicing and living the language is the best way to learn it, whether you want to learn English, Spanish or any other language!

Moreover, Kike is known for his love of basketball. He loves playing basketball and has even been part of the university team. He has played in national and international tournaments in Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and more! So if you are a basketball fan, don´t hesitate to talk with Enrique!

Learn more about Enrique and Proyecto Peru´s staff at:

Monthly update

Back to the Office!

After several months of quarantine, the staff of Proyecto Peru was finally able to return to the office! Proyecto Peru can now work behind closed doors on administrative work. Everyone was very happy to return to the office. At the moment Proyecto Peru can not receive clients in the office, but we are looking forward to welcoming students again to Cusco! In the meantime, we continue to follow the updated corona safety regulations. 

Lockdown in Peru: a summary

In the beginning of March, Peru confirmed its first case of the Coronavirus. Peru responded quickly and declared a State of Emergency with a domestic lockdown. This all happened very quickly and there were several students of Proyecto Peru still in Cusco when all borders closed. Luckily, there were several repatriation flights and during March most students were able to get back home. Some students also decided to stay in Cusco, hoping that they could continue their project or travel plans after the lockdown.

This turned out to be an optimistic idea, as Peru stayed in quarantine till the end of June. The domestic lockdown meant that people were only allowed in the street for essential reasons, such as buying groceries or medication. As in most countries, people started to excessively shop for food, this resulted in empty shops which seemed a bit worrying in the beginning. However, it soon turned out that the shops had more than enough supplies and that excessive food shopping was unnecessary.

During the lockdown, the Peruvian government tried several systems.´ They for example introduced a system where men were only allowed in the street on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and women only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. This system did not have much success and the government soon switched to a system where 1 person per family was allowed to do food shopping. 

In Peru, many people don’t have a registered job, this means they earn money per day, for example by selling souvenirs, snacks or food in the street. The lockdown has had a huge impact on poverty. Many people who used to live from the money they earned the same day on the street, were suddenly without income. The Peruvian government has tried to support its communities by providing financial bonuses. Moreover, people were able to take out money from their savings and pension funds. 

Most people seemed to be hopeful when the quarantine was lifted in June. Shops started opening again and the government introduced a 4 phase plan to re-open industries. As industries were slowly re-opening, national flights were also allowed again. People were happy to economically start again. However, the corona cases kept rising in Cusco.

In spite of all the optimistic recovering plans, Peru returned to a lockdown in the beginning of August. Luckily, this time the quarantine was not as strict as the first time. Restaurants stayed open and businesses were able to operate under certain regulations. International flights are expected to start again this October. As the Peruvian government continues to monitor the situation and make decisions accordingly, locals and tourists alike are hoping that restrictions will soon be loosened.

Proyecto Peru Hike

In August, some members of the Proyecto Peru team went on a hike! This is an amazing hike of 3 / 4 hours which you can start from the city centre for free. Coen has also guided this hike a couple of times for our volunteers. It is a great hike to get some fresh air without going too far from the city centre. 

Afterwards, Dora cooked one of her famous dishes: Ají de Atún! This is one of her personal recipes, a delicious alternative to the traditional Aji de Gallina.

Positive developments of the lockdown

The spread of the corona crisis has had, and will have many serious consequences. It does not only affect people’s health, but world economies, poverty and more. However in this article we will take take a look at some positive developments of the Corona crisis

More efficient online systems

The worldwide lockdown has forced people and companies to look for new solutions. People started working from home and so online systems became even more important. Businesses and even governments were forced to further improve their online systems. This is causing much more efficiency than before. In Peru, everyone knows the ´challenge´ of waiting in lines for hours or days to get a paper, to get a bank account opened or to get your visa signed. Because of the corona crisis, the government was now forced to change this system. They introduced a new ONLINE system and people are now able to make payments, request cards, papers and more online! On the long-term, this will be a huge advantage and it is a step towards more efficient systems!

Source of creativity 

Worldwide, people and business are becoming more creative. This crisis forces people to think differently, to evaluate the current lifestyle and to look for alternatives. As many people were stuck at home, they had time to re-evaluate their life. To pick up creative hobbies and to start thinking People found creativity in themselves they thought they did not have. People started online businesses, restaurants quickly adapted with delivery services, online cooking classes and more!

We can conclude that the importance of digital services has risen significantly in the past months. And though it takes time and effort to adapt to change, some changes will be a huge advantage on the long-term.

Medical Spanish programme

Proyecto Peru offers an extensive medical Spanish program to improve your medical Spanish skills. This program consists of 3 courses, from basic to advanced Spanish!

The program powers up your medical Spanish skills, such as specific vocabulary, grammar structures, greetings and introductions, medical conversation exchange, diagnosis, treatments and more! It teaches students how to interact and express themselves in a medical setting.

People of Proyecto Peru

Meet our staff: Coen Bosch, general manager and owner of Proyecto Peru

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Initially, Coen stumbled upon Proyecto Peru while seeking to learn Spanish during his travels. After back packing through Australia and Asia, he travelled around South America and like so many other travellers, he realised some Spanish would be helpful. First Coen fell in love with Cusco, the city and the people. Later on, Dora (owner of Proyecto Peru) was another reason for him to stay in Cusco!

Coen is Dutch and has been part of Proyecto Peru for more than 10 years. He actually studied and worked as a Biomedical electrical engineer before coming to Cusco. However, in Cusco he realised there was so much more he could do. He could drive real change by supporting and helping Peruvian families, volunteering projects, Spanish teachers and more. So here he is, more than 10 years later, working on the same mission: being part of driving change and improvements.

Proyecto Peru now offers a 40% discount on all online Spanish classes and a first free class. Contact us now!

How do you prefer to learn a new language?


Have you ever studied a language at university and forgotten all about it six months later? Well, don’t worry you are not the only one! For decades now, universities have been using the so-called traditional language learning methods. Every student is approached in the same way and tested on their general knowledge. In recent years, this technique is being questioned on its effectiveness and effiency.

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